The Benefits of Daily Collagen Shots
Collagen Boosting Beauty Drink
Although it is possible for someone to confuse collagen shots with collagen injections, they are not one and the same. A collagen injection is a minimally invasive procedure performed with a needle. It is a common treatment for reducing wrinkles and fine lines that has been utilized for decades.
On the other hand, YANA™ Daily Collagen Shots, sold exclusively through IMAGE Skincare professionals, is a revolutionary daily beauty liquid that you drink once per day which helps to rebuild and strengthen skin by boosting the body’s collagen production.
YANA™ contains a unique blend of hydrolyzed collagen peptides as well as a wide range of other vitamins and antioxidants that together work to slow collagen loss while increasing the body’s ability to produce more. Research shows that using YANA™ Daily Collagen Shots for 30 days can reduce fine lines and wrinkles by 63%, improve skin texture by 37%, and decrease pore size by 42%. All of this with a simple daily supplement! Impressive!
How Do You Use YANA™?
YANA™ works from the inside out. It comes in a 16 fl oz. bottle which is a one month supply. Just measure out what you need daily. It is also possible to purchase 0.5 fl oz. vials so that you can take YANA™ on the go. We want you to be able to take care of your skin even with a busy schedule.
YANA™ is safe to take all by itself, but you can also mix it with water or your morning smoothie, fruit juice, or tea. It has a refreshing citrus flavor that goes with anything! You should take YANA™ daily, and it can also be paired with a variety of IMAGE Skincare products to boost results.
How Does YANA™ Work?
YANA™ combines new technology with ancient wisdom. Many cultures have traditionally consumed certain foods to improve overall health and beauty. We offer something similar. American diets are sadly lacking certain nutrients that help to build up and repair collagen naturally. YANA™ fills that gap so that eating right for your skin is easier.
YANA™ is a concentrated beauty liquid. All the good stuff that helps to boost collagen is condensed in a small daily dose. YANA™ is made so your body can absorb it easily. YANA™ also contains Lumiplex, an ultra-nutraceutical antioxidant complex that works to rebuild and repair skin on the cellular level.
Best of all, YANA™ is sugar free, dairy free, gluten free and contains no genetically modified formulations. This significantly reduces the chance of any allergic reaction and removes all ingredients that harm the skin. YANA™ is proven to increase collagen by 65% in 60 days and to increase skin moisture by 40% in only three weeks. YANA™ is what you need!
Give YANA™ a Try Today!
YANA™ is only available through licensed IMAGE Skincare representatives. You can learn more about how YANA™ works to improve skin health and beauty here. You can also find and contact an IMAGE Skincare representative online. YANA™ will truly help you Age Later™!